Experience you need.
Results you want.

Algieri-Boileau Legal is a law firm with expertise in Personal Injury and Employment Law.

Personal Injury: We specialize in motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, cyclist accidents, pedestrian knockdowns, slip and falls, disability claims, and insurance disputes.

Employment Law: We specialize in wrongful dismissals, constructive dismissals, workplace safety and harassment complaints, Human Rights matters. We can represent you whether you are an employer OR employee!

Personal Injury

Motor Vehicle Accidents

We specialize in maximizing your entitlements for Accident Benefits and Tort Claims.

We know how great of an impact an accident can have on your life. We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

As a full-service Personal Injury firm, we provide comprehensive legal representation. We do not get paid until your claim is successfully resolved.

Cyclist Accidents

Whether your cycling injury was caused by road conditions or a motor vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Ask us today how we can help!

Disability Claims

If you are unable to work due to an accident or injury, you may be eligible for benefits to cover lost wages.

Slip & Falls

Did you slip on ice on city property?

Did you fall on an uneven sidewalk?

Did you fall in a retail store or business?

You may have a claim! Call us today.

Book A Consultation Today

We are ready to answer all your questions. Please feel free to visit us or contact us at any time.

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